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Thursday, May 28, 2009

wad am i thinkin.... It has all been goin well until i got drunk and started txtin again..... haiii

i admit it that im so dumb wen it comes to relationships and shit.... All i need now is a good vacation where im wif my beloved family.... I cant wait till i actually get to melbourne where i can actually forget bout those that i cant forget......

This reminds me of last yr wen i went to melbourne all heart broken and in exchange i came back wif a bag of brand new clothes instead hahaha well at least it help me forgat that bastard lol haiii.... Y am i so dumb?? I wish theres a pill in the world that actually makes me look tgrough things better and not get hurt...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

babes i know i haven blog for a long time... and now im startin again....

been quite busy lately..... fashion shows comin up in about a few days and im screwed if i dun get it rite tmr... wish i have more time to do more stuff but i really casnt be bothered now...

since ive been overseas.... i realli miss u guys... i thought that no one bothers to read my blog thwats y i din blog lol but oh wells now that son tells me she read my blog and ask me to update ill do it hehehe...

lets see ji min is in korea... ellie karin clare and aruna is in london..... son is in melb.... maddie goin to america..... nan still in kl.... and im in new zealand..... i guess all of us have been hardcore partyin but guy.... if u see this contact me or go on msn cause I HAVEN TALK TO U GUYS IN AGES AND I MISS U GUYSSSSS HEAPPPPSSSSS

rmb those days wen we usd to hang out 24/7 laugh cry study sulk talk together??? i realli missed those times..... i wish we could go back to those times but now that we are all over the world it would be realli hard...... everyone is either partyin hardcore... or livin their sweet lifes wif their bfs..... babes.... stop those hardcore partyin and sweet lovey dovey times wif ur bfs and go on more hahahahaha

i know i know im a sad ass stuck in a sad asss city lol babes im just realli goin out of my mind rite now.....
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just realised i haven been bloggin for a long time while goin through some fren's blog.... thx to maddie and her new blog i decided to continue bloggin as i dun even have anything to do at all!!!!! hahaha the last time i blog was june such a long time ago...

hahaha back in june i was still sad bout "u know" but now im living my life to the most but theres one obstacle..... HOW DA FCK CAN I LIVE MY LIFE TO THE FULLEST WEN IM IN A FREAKIN BORIN PLACE CALL NEW ZEALAND, WHERE SHEEPS HAVE MORE POPULATION DEN HUMAN.....=.="

hmmm lets see wads happening during this period of time... NOTHIN...
one thing for sure! I PASSED FIRST YR HEHE.... one more yr to go den ill have a big fat holiday and start workin!!! NOOOO >.<

i wanna go back to kl rite this momment!!!!!! i really cant stand being in stupid NZ nemore!!!! lets see wad caryn yap is doin on a sat nite? hmmm shes sitting infront of her comp bloggin HOW SAD CAN I BE? ARGHHHH

damnn ill just upload some pics for now to keep me busy hehe


Saturday, June 28, 2008

damn it wat kind of month is june!?!?! its such a bad month hahahaha ok today i just realise that wat a dick my ex is. HE IS A TOTAL DICK/BEASTARD/ASSHOLE OMG I CANT EVEN BELIEVE THAT I WENT OUT WIF HIM!!! omgg that fuckin asshole i tell u whoever who ever goes out wif him is just an idiot hHAHHA just like myself but wateva!!!! ok im a little high now as i just came back from drinkin!!!! gonna go sleep now hehehe
Friday, June 20, 2008

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! i dun get any holidays this yr WTF MAN!!!!!! this is so unfair stupid schoo....

welll basically, i finish my first yr on oct 31st and i thot that second yr starts on end of jan next yr therefore i get like 3 months off... BUT NOOOOOOOO stupid second yr starts on nov the 3rd this yr which means i dun get to go back till next august!!!!!!!! IM SO SAD!!!!!! I DUN GET TO GO BACK TO KL FOR ANGPAO CHRISTMAS AND SEE EVERYONE THERE AND GUESS WAT.... EVERYONE IS GOIN AWAY THIS YR AND IT MIGHT BE MY LAST CHANCE TO SEE THEM T.T THIS IS SO SAD!!!!!!!
at least i get to go home early next yr... nothin much i can do T.T

sooo i went to did a learner's theory test today.... when i only studied for it within 20 mins..... JENG JENG JENG.... I FAILED T.T !!!! but den im goin for a resit tmr hopefully i will pass with dunno how long of studying... hahahah i actually finished all the questions behind the book and the best thing is the answers are actually reference from the book!!!! stupid idiotic kiwi ppl brainless haahahaha

oh and guess wat!!!!!!!!! i did an eye test before sittin the test and the fuckin words were soooooo TINY THAT I CANT READ IT !!!!!!! whoever that can reads it = eyesight 100% perfect fine!!!! haiii wtf man i cant even read a single word in the stupid thingy damn it!!! anyways thats about it today hehe

will upload some pics hehe

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

hahaha wtf... all i can say is wtf...
woke up early today to got to school but guess wad? school doesnt start till 1pm... so me and my frens went shoppin hehe.. oh and yes my mum says she will get me new clothes hahahaahahaha...

went starbucks as there is stll time left before class starts.... and a bird flu into the shop hahahah wtf man... went to class after that and it was BORING!!!
Went to get dinner take away at mc donalds after school.

caught a bus rite on time but n0ooooo she said i cant bring a drink on the bus... and she asked me to throw it away. wtf no way am i gonna throw my coke away so i got my money back and got off the bus and waited for the next bus. BTW THE DRIVER IS A KIWI WOMEN...BITCH!!!! next bus was 3 mins away so din have to wait for a long time and this time the bus driver din even mention bout my drink stupid idiot!!! got home and here i am blogging ahahahaha... gonna go dancing class later hehe so goonna go shower now.
Monday, June 09, 2008

today was a hectic day.. haha i broke up wif my boyfreind. well he is considered ex now. Not that sad about it actually hehe.

Most importantly, i can fit a freakin size 10 now hahahaha so happy about that haha!!^~^

lets see i woke up today talk to ex and den decided to break up.
Went to school after that and guess wad there was onli 4 ppl in school =.= sooo surfed the net and read bout horoscopes and looked at some on9 shoppin.
Went to my next class and fuck! i din pass my history assignment... BECAUSE I COPY AND PASTE FROM THE NET! wtf im not gonna write a 10 page essay!!!! thats just dumb hahahaha anyways have to redo it damnn... hahaha but i got out of class earl and went back surfin the net. den went shoppin bought some stuff den went home.
Got home and guess who i saw my ex. PRETENDIN NOTHIN HAPPENED!! THAT BASTARD hahahaha but wateva got burger king for dinner den realised.... jeng jeng jeng....

hectic day of mine ...

hmmm haven been bloggin for ages nw and here i am bloggin.

So i moved out of my cousin's house and moved into my fren's house. Its really fun stayin wif them. Well i fink im better off here.

Started off my day by wakin up at 3 or 4pm. well i played this computer game from 6 pm to 3 am yesterday before i went to bed. had this chinese restaurent which was good but bloody expensive it was 18 NZD damn it hahahaha den i got home went on9 talk to sonia changed my blog skin and decided to blog. BUT NOOOOO the first skin i chose did not work out rite so wth i have to redo it again. STUPID IDIOT WHO DIN KNOW HOW TO GET THE THING RITE!!! gave up half way and started to talk/webcam wif sonia. oh and guess wad i had my dinner just now at 11 pm. hahahah oh and i cooked chicken turned out it didnt taste bad hahahah luckily its taste alrite hahaha. im just so pissed off today because of some one AHHHHH JUST PISS ME OFF TILL THE LIMIT!!!! STUPID IDIOT!!! im so tired now and i have to freakin get up early tmr morning for school damn it hahahahah ok damn it gonna go sleep now its like 1 am haiii IM PISSED OFF AND IM OFF TO SLEEP !!! THAT BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!